British-born, Berlin-based journalist, focusing on extremism, conflicts, media, subcultures and social movements.
Editor at German daily taz/die tageszeitung. Currently an Ernst Cramer & Teddy Kollek visiting fellow of the International Journalist Program at the Jerusalem Post.
Articles published in Tagesspiegel, Guardian, Haaretz, Jüdische Allgemeine and more. Nominated for the 2024 Theodor Wolff Prize for journalism.
Co-editor and author of the book Judenhass Underground: Antisemitismus in emanzipatorischen Subkulturen und Bewegungen (2023, Hentrich & Hentrich).
Studied at King’s College London and the Humboldt-Universtität zu Berlin.
Press requests and bookings (no newsletters): hello at nicholaspotter dot net